PHP Serialize vs Database normalization

I’ve recently started developing plugins for WordPress in PHP. Being an old school Perl programmer PHP comes very easy and MySQL is still same old MySQL. PHP don’t have many advantages over Perl in general except one very good one: simplicity. I have always tried to write simple code, not simple in the sense that it doesn’t accomplish complex tasks rather in the sense that while being a huge and complex system it is still built with easy to understand blocks of code. With that being said, there are a few shortcuts I rather not take.

The reason I write this is that in all the PHP applications and PHP documentation I’ve come across regarding serialize() nobody ever mentions database normalization.

PHP Serialize

I found the serialize() function in PHP quite useful, it takes a datastructure and creates a string representation of that structure. This string can later be use with unserialize() to return it to the old structure. An example:

$fruits = array (
"fruits"  => array("a" => "orange", "b" => "banana"),
"numbers" => array(1, 2, 3),

echo print_r($fruits);

The above code creates an array and prints the result. The output of the above will be:

    [fruits] => Array
            [a] => orange
            [b] => banana

    [numbers] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 2
            [2] => 3

Now if you use serialize on this object the following would happen:

$fruits = serialize($fruits);

echo print_r($fruits);



A long line of strange numbers, just what the programmer wanted! This data is perfect for transfering or saving the state of a data structure for later use. Calling unserialize() on the above string would return it to the same array that we first had.

Database Design

Most applications use a relational database for storing information. A relational database stores all data in tables of rows and columns (or relations of tuples and attributes if you use the original non-SQL names). To make a database work efficiently the design of those tables, rows and columns are pivotal. Any student of database design have probably been forced to read all of the different levels of database normalization. The normalization process, invented by Edgar F. Codd, involves searching for inefficient database design and correcting it.

The very first rule of database normalization called the first normal form (1NF) stipulates that “the table is a faithful representation of a relation and that it is free of repeating groups.” [wikipedia]. This means that there should be no duplicate rows and no column should contain multiple values.

Serialization meets 1NF

What happens if you insert the above serialized data into a column of a row in a database? Well put shortly you get a stored datastructure that can be easily accessed by your application by calling it with the keys for that particular row. The table would probably look something like this:

key value
1 1a:2:{s:6:”fruits”;a:2:{s:1:”a”;s:6:”orange”;s:1:”b”;s:6:”banana”;}s:7:”numbers”;a:3:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;}}1Array
2 1a:2:{s:6:”fruits”;a:2:{s:1:”a”;s:6:”apples”;s:1:”b”;s:6:”banana”;}s:7:”numbers”;a:3:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;}}1Array

As long as you will never ever search for anything inside the value field this is all good and well (but still goes against my better teachings of database normalization). Take for example the problem of locating all stuctures containing apples or even worse something as simple as ordering the rows by fruit! The structure makes such “simple” tasks very hard.

The use of serialization to encode values into the database might be very tempting. It makes saving complex structures easy without having to worry about database design. Saving data in serialized form is however very inefficient from a database design standpoint, the data should have been stored in separate tables reflecting their internal structure.

As I said in the beginning simplicity is the highest virtue of programming for me, serialize is a simple neat solution for a small problem. What should be remembered though is that serialize is not a swizz army knife that should be used for all the database storage. If you ever think that you will need to search through or handle the information stored, do youself a favour and make it a proper table from the start. In the long run making those tables will be easier than later having to convert all those structures and complex code handling them.

WordPress as a simple CRM

I recently started a new business where I really want to focus on taking care of the customer needs, being proactive rather than reactive to them. As such I need a simple Customer Relations Management (CRM) tool to keep track of my promises and contacts. There are probably many simple CRM tools available but I decided to try out WordPress as a CRM tool.

First I installed WordPress on an internal server with no external connection. I set the firewall to block that server from traffic with the outside network and then I started to do my internal “company blog”. To structure things I decided to follow some simple rules:

  • I make one post for every type of contact (e-mail / phone / order etc) I do every day, if several contacts to the same company / person occurs the same day they still only get one.
  • Several types of contact to the same company / person will get multiple posts the same day
  • Categories are other authorities, companies and/or persons
  • Tags are techniques, events, frameworks etc.

On average I get three to four posts every day, usually covering a broad area. Some days there are big events which often are reflected in the blog/CRM by only having one post for that day. Amounts of posts per day is therefore irrelevant. I keep the posts very short, they are mainly thought of as references to other information like an e-mail or something else. If it was a phone conversation I usually take down a few simple sentances of what the discussion was about.

Three months later I now use this internal blog alot! It helps me keep track of events that I might have forgotten about. When I had a tax issue recently I could quickly click the “tax authority” category and see which days I had communicated with them and leave as a reference in my future communication.

One thing that also helps me is the simplicity of clicking a category to bring up all the communication with that customer. When someone calls I quickly click their category and all my previous conversations with them are recorded. It helps me quickly remember what we where talking about, just like a CRM should.

There are of course limitations, WordPress was never intended to be used this way. There are no way to search for inactive customers for example, should the need for this arise a plugin for WordPress could most certainly easily be developed. Furthermore you need to be very careful about where you install the software so you do not publish all your information on the Internet. I run my business alone but this setup would work very nice also with a few employees I would imagine. Everyone could be an author in the same blog and you can access what the other persons are working on should a customer call when they are out.

The simplicity of WordPress makes this a great choice for me!

Set a static IP in Ubuntu JeOS

I got a few questions about setting a static IP in Ubuntu JeOS. Here is a short and easy step by step guide!

The network settings are stored in the file /etc/network/interfaces and it’s always a good idea to make a backup first in case something goes wrong.

sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak

When that is done we can safely edit the original file and can always look back or restore the old setting. Now edit the original file:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Find the part that says “# The primary netwok interface” and change that (and the following two lines)  so it looks like this (change to your desired IP of course!):

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Now save the file and restart the network with the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Done! Now you’re JeOS should be on a static IP-address!

Having fun with the WordPress Database

Today I’ve improved the starting page of this domain, It looked very booring and I thought I’d have to do something with it but at the same time I knew I was to lazy to acctually maintain some interesting subjects there as well. The solution was simple! Use my blogs to feed the information to the starting page! Here are some of my php and sql code used, in case you want to try something similar yourself.

First of all, if you’ve never done any PHP before, do not fear, it’s super easy! Without explaining it, here are my open and close database files (I keep them seperate since they will most likely be included in many pages):


$dbhost = ‘localhost’;
$dbuser = ‘username’;
$dbpass = ‘password’;

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die                      (‘Error connecting to mysql’);

$dbname = ‘dbname’;



Just modify these files with the values for your database and you are ready to do some mysql-powered-php-scripting! Next simply include these files in the file where you want to use the database, in my example index.php:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN” “”>
<?php include ‘open_db.php’; ?>

<?php include ‘close_db.php’; ?>

Now lets make the MySQL database print something to the index-page! Here is an example:

$query  = “select now() as mysqltime”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
echo $row[‘mysqltime’];

This will print a timestring from your MySQL. I used this as an example just because it should work everywhere. Now simply substitute the query with something you want from your database and the printout inside the loop with what (and how) you want it printed!

To take a WordPress example, I want to use the tags/categories as keywords for the META-tag of my start page. I use a cleaverly written SQL query that will give me all the unique keywords for all my three blogs sorted in order of usage:

$query  = “SELECT name,`count` FROM tech_terms t join tech_term_taxonomy tt on (t.term_id = tt.term_id)
union distinct
SELECT name,`count` FROM game_terms t join game_term_taxonomy tt on (t.term_id = tt.term_id)
union distinct
SELECT name,`count` FROM 3wp_terms t join 3wp_term_taxonomy tt on (t.term_id = tt.term_id)
order by `count` desc limit 0,50;”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
$keywords = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$keywords = array_unique($keywords);
foreach ($keywords as $key){
$meta_key_string .= $key.”,”;
<meta name=”keywords” content=”<?php echo $meta_key_string ?>fireflake”>

This will make my home meta tag always up to date with what I write about! The keywords will also be listed in order of relevance since they are ordered by “count” from the database.

Another great little script takes out the latest posts in a blog and prints them (and links it to the main article):

$query  = “select * from tech_posts where post_status = ‘publish’ order by post_date desc limit 0,2”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
echo “<h3><a href=”” . $row[‘guid’] . “”>” . $row[‘post_title’] .”</a></h3>”;
echo “<p>” . str_replace(“n”,”<br />n”,$row[‘post_content’]) .”</p><br clear=”all”>”;

There are probably lots of fun you can have with the WordPress database, it’s very simple and easy to learn so it’s very easy to start writing code like this!

Hope you found something useful here!

Google Blueprint CSS tutorial

This is a basic tutorial of the first use of Google Blueprint as a CSS layout.

Download Blueprint CSS
Download the main library att Google Code, at the time of this writing that is the file “Blueprint”.

There are three folders in the ZIP-file, first you have the “blueprint” folder which contains the ready to use CSS-files (ie.css, print.css and screen.css). While there are more files in that folder we will only concern ourselves with those in directly in the “blueprint” folder and not subfolders.

I will not go into detail about the two other folders, for your information the “lib” folder contains YAML source for the project and the last folder “tests” contains sample pages you can play around with if you’d like.

Fast reference PDF
There is a nice “cheat page” you can print out from a PDF, this is optional though but I found it very helpfull at least while learning the new classes.

Link the CSS-files
All you need to do is copy the three CSS-files in the “blueprint” folder into a directory of your choice in the main HTTP directory. I assume you put them in a subdirectory simply called “blueprint”. Next you need to link them in the HTML-files where you wish to use them, add the following code:

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”blueprint/screen.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen, projection”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”blueprint/print.css” type=”text/css” media=”print”>
<!–[if IE]><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”blueprint/ie.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen, projection”><![endif]–>

The first CSS defines how to display the page on normal monitors and projectors. The second file is for printing and the last file, surrounded with an IF condition to only be used by Internet Explorer, is specific instructions for the naughty web browsers that do not follow the standards.

Make a HTML file that uses the Blueprint
I assume you know HTML and CSS so I skip the basics and move straight to the new classes that blueprint offers. Simply put you need an outer DIV of the class “container” that will be the parent object of all others. Inside of this you can decleare HTML code as normal. A real simple first page could look something like this:

<div class=”container”>
<div class=”span-24 last”>
<h1>Hello World</h1>

The outer DIV is the container of all objects. The second div defines itself as a “span-24” and “last” class. Span-24 is the max width (950 pixels) and will span the entire area inside the container, last is added to signal this is the final column on this row (it’s also the only so in this case maybe a bit overkill).

Now after this it’s very easy to expand the concept, for example to make a “top headline and under menu + content” layout simply write:

<div class=”container”>
<div class=”span-24 last”>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<div class=”span-4″>
The menu
<div class=”span-20 last”>
The content

This still doesn’t solve the more complex aspects of CSS-layout when you need everything to be “just right” but with an overall layout made this easy you can focus on the end tweaking instead of re-inventing the basic wheel everytime you need to make a new design.

The absolute best part about the Blueprint CSS is a “small” feature internally namned “rest.css” which is part of the “screen.css” file. This resets all browser settings to one single setting (Firefox, Internet Explorer etc all have slightly different default values for border, margins, padding etc) making cross platform development much much easier. Secondly, and the acctual main purpose, the ability to easily create new columns and layout modifications really improves start up development time of new designs. While the Blueprint CSS just have very basic settings it’s often these basic settings that screw up every new design I make since I tend to aim a little too high everytime I write a new CSS-class.

IIS easy restart

One annoying thing about the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is that it’s quite a few clicks in order to restart it through the normal GUI. If you use it as a development environment and happen to make an infinite loop or some other bad thing it’s annoying to have to go through all those steps every time.

To save some time here is a simple tip, since the IIS run as a normal service simply make a file called “kick iis.bat” (at least that is what I call it) and enter the following:

net stop w3svc
net start w3svc

This should work for the standard installation of IIS. This will take the server down and then back up again, faster than the GUI just double click the file. I keep it on my dekstop… that might give you an idea of how often I trash the IIS hehe.